 Mantras + Manifesting for a Happy and Healthy 2020

By Leighana Martindale

This is part one in a series of posts written to help inspire and motivate you to put your mental, spiritual and physical needs first in 2020. We’ll offer ideas and steps to help you achieve peace and happiness in the new year.

As we begin to dive deeper into 2020 and our own personal healing, one of the most important things you can think about is your mindset and attitude. The number one tool I use to help me heal (in ANY area of my life) is actively practicing and reciting positive affirmations and mantras, as well as manifestation.

Manifestation is something people have been doing for literally ever. However, in today’s world, we hear a lot more about people using this ancient tool. People are being introduced to this power and are actively practicing, trying to reach enlightenment and our higher selves.

It makes sense that when you learn about and experience manifestation for yourself that you would continue practicing. Because why would we not want to put our energy into good and create the lives we want? Energy is currency and where you place your energy is what manifests in your life.

There are many ways to manifest our desires, including using daily affirmations and mantras to promote a healthy mindset, push us to actively pursue our dreams and love and support ourselves. When it comes to affirmations, there is no one way or even a wrong way to participate. As long as you are being kind to yourself and staying positive, you can affirm whatever feels right. Below you’ll find a few different mantras and affirmations you can use.

The final technique I will go over, even though there are many many more, is to harness the power of the Moon to propel you and your manifestations forward.

Daily Mantras + Affirmations:

To practice your mantras, get into a space that is both physically comforting and allows you to mentally relax. Just know if you don’t have space for this, that’s totally fine! You can start anywhere. The main key to this, however, is saying these affirmations out loud, so be sure you are somewhere where you at least feel comfortable to speak out loud.

Morning Mantra

By: Angelina Samadhi

Every morning I start my life anew.
Nothing that I was before will determine who I am now or who I am becoming.
I am guided and protected by the Universe.
I watch every thought and word without attachment, easily shifting to good-feeling thoughts. I find alignment with ease.
I see the beauty and perfection in everything.
I rejoice in the creation and trust the unknown.
I am infinitely abundant.
I trust and surrender in the flow of life.
I use my power, my word, and my energy for good.
I know that NOW is the best moment because it is the only thing that is real.
I release self-importance and see the unity within all things.
I am fully present and actively listening.
I take my time with everything.
I am giving love without conditions and receiving love with grace.
I know how important and loved I am.
I am one-of-a-kind with gifts that cannot be duplicated.
I love myself. I love my life and life loves me.


- I am smart
- I am fun to be around
- I am worthy of a great life
- I am abundant and prosperous
- I am healthy and attractive
- I am divinely guided in all that I do - I am strong mentally and physically - I am worthy of love and respect
- I am kickass
- I am loved
- I am enough
- I trust myself
- I am love
- I attract abundance
- I take care of my body
- I am beautiful
- I am secure
- I am confident
- I believe in myself

*Side note: ‘I am’ is one of the most powerful statements you can use.

Harnessing the power of the Moon to Manifest:

La Luna, Selene, Chandra — the Moon has many names throughout the world but has always been highly regarded no matter what the culture. She is a strong force in our world, moving the oceans, pulling and pushing the tides. When we understand that we are also pushed and pulled by the energy of the Moon just like the oceans, we can harness that energy and the power of it to make our wildest dreams come true.

New Moons represent beginnings and the beginning of a cycle. Full Moons represent the pinnacle of energy: completion and celebration of our intentions during the New Moon. But most importantly, the Full Moon asks us to release and shed what no longer serves us.

Every time there is a New or Full Moon, or even a new month, I turn to Mystic Mama for her Energy Readings. This is a resource I highly recommend to anyone who practices Moon Rituals or is interested in learning more. Regardless of how much you know about all these practices, Mystic Mama always has light to shed and information to share.


New Moon Intention Setting Ritual:

  1. Gather the supplies needed for your ceremony. Sage, crystals, tarot cards [if you would like to use], pen and paper, cannabis and your favorite smoking method.

  2. Cleanse your space. Smudge your house or the area you will be using with the sage, always rotating clockwise and start facing East. This brings positive energy.

  3. Smoke your cannabis, clear your mind, and allow yourself to relax and become fully present.

  4. Write your intentions for this upcoming Moon cycle. Where do you want to focus your energy this month?

  5. Recite and repeat your intentions three times, starting with “I intend” or “My intentions are”

  6. When you finish reciting your intentions three times, recite: “As I will it, so mote it be”

Full Moon Release Ritual:

The ritual I like to do for Full Moons requires fire, so if you use this version be sure you are being safe and have water nearby.

  1. Gather the supplies needed for your ceremony. Sage, crystals, tarot cards [if you would like to use], pen and paper, cannabis and your favorite smoking method, lighter, Glass/Metal bowl or cup, and a glass of water.

  2. Cleanse your space. Smudge your house or the area you will be using with the sage, always rotating clockwise and start facing East. This brings positive energy.

  3. Quiet your mind and think, what do you plan to release in this moment? What no longer serves you? Use this ritual to break habits, cut ties with the toxic attributes in your life, whether is be an attitude, an emotion, a bad relationship, etc.

  4. Write down the things you wish to release this Full Moon on a loose piece of paper. Make sure this paper has nothing important on it as you will be burning it.

  5. Visualize yourself letting these things go, they are flowing freely away from you as you remain, a stronger version of yourself that is working towards your highest self.

  6. Burn what no longer serves you. Light your paper on fire and watch it turn to ash.

  7. Repeat three times: “I release what no longer serves me”.

  8. When you finish reciting this three times, recite: “As I will it, so mote it be”

*Side note: I like to use the candles from my altar to light the fire, then I put my paper in a vase and watch as the flames rise and it turns to ash before I smother it, depriving the toxicity of life.

To continue your healing process and work on becoming the highest version of yourself, keep reading our 2020 Healing series and remember that absolutely NO ONE is perfect. Life is not easy. This journey requires a great deal of patience and practice. The best thing you can do is continue being kind to yourself and patient with your journey.