Natural Remedies and Techniques for Anxiety

By Leighana Martindale

Right now many of us are dealing with loads more pressure than we are used to and with that can come an excessive amount of anxiety that we are not accustomed to. But instead of going the ‘normal’ route and getting prescribed anti-anxiety meds, we decided to put together a list of natural remedies and techniques that can help.

Simple Ground Technique

Look around you and name:

5 things that you can see

4 things you can feel

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste

Breathing Techniques

Breath Focus Technique

1. Take a deep breath through your nose
2. Feel and notice your chest expanding
3. Breath out your mouth and purse your lips while exhaling

4. Extend your exhale
5. Repeat several times

1:1 Technique

1. Take a deep breath through your nose
2. Inhale more through your mouth - puffing your chest out, hold 3. Hold for a few more seconds
4. Loudly exhale through your mouth
5. Repeat this for a few minutes.

CBD & CBG Products for Anxiety

- Ladies Orange Peel - CBG Flower
- CBD Joints
- Make & Mary Calm Inhaler
- Calivolve Chocolate Cherry Truffles

- Quill CBD - Full Spectrum Vape Pen

- Tarot CBD Tincture

- Everie | Lemon & Lime CBD Sparkling Water

- Tweed | CBD 20mg Softgels

Yoga Exercises

Pair Your Breathing and yoga with these 5 Strains, said to be beneficial for Anxiety

- Purple Hindu Kush

- Granddaddy Purple

- Cannatonic
- Blackberry Kush

- Pennywise