Canndora; A Canadian Subscription Box for Women

Cannabis-themed subscription boxes are nothing new, they've been around for a while but what makes Canndora boxes different is that they are designed specifically with women in mind and the company is based in Canada. The Canadian angle is great because shipping is much less of a hassle and sending anything weed related across the border, even if its only lifestyle products, is a pain.   

image curtesy of Canndora

image curtesy of Canndora

So when the press release for the launch of Canndora landed in our inbox, we just had to learn more. “We are responding to a gap in the marketplace. The current experience misses the mark for many women we interviewed. Our data shows women who enjoy cannabis are looking for discretion and they want to discover new products,” explains Katie Pringle, Co-Founder of Canndora and PR agency Cannabis Communications. 

The Canndora details

Shipping three times a year (November, March and July), the box includes stylish but practical accessories that are handpicked by the Canndora team (how do I get that job??), featuring the best brands in the cannabis business for a retail value of $150 or more. 

Each box costs $69.95 US and the subscription renews automatically which means you never need to remember to order another. They also offer the opportunity to shop their online store featuring additional boxes, past items and some extras from time to time. 

Get your product featured

If you are a maker in the cannabis industry and want to get your product in front of a wider audience there is good news: Canndora works with partners and advertisers to showcase their products directly to the women’s cannabis community. Note that interested companies and brands can submit their products through the Canndora website.