5 New Year's Eve Resolutions from #DopeLadies


2018 is here and damn it, it's going to be a great year!

This year, we will see Canada become the first G7 nation to legalize cannabis for recreational purposes. More states will continue to legalize for both medical and recreational consumers and advocacy groups will keep spreading the good word. More research will be done and we will continue to learn more about this plant and all the many potential benefits we can get from it. 

But what about you, dear #DopeLady? What will you be doing in 2018? How will you be improving on your #DopeLady status/lifestyle/situation? Let's aim to be happier, healthier and more giving at every opportunity in 2018. To help get you inspired we asked a few of our favourite #DopeLadies to share their New Year's Eve resolutions. 


No More Settling For Mediocrity

My biggest resolution is to only do things or people that I am a “fuck yes” for... As in stop settling for mediocre projects, relationships, partnerships or opportunities, that only take away time and energy from the real things that I’m committed to

- Rachel Colic, founder of Eves of Eden and High Friends Podcast co-host.


You Got This

In 2018 I am unapologetically authentically me. Also, I’m going to eat vegan, stretch daily and do regular live video. I got this

- Bethany Rae, Flower & Freedom


Make a Difference

My New Years resolution is to help end cannabis stigma. My brother & business partner Anthony Gonzales, @the.ganjapreneur and I will be launching our active cannabis lifestyle brand in January, Stigma @stigma.fit We are so excited to help build a worldwide community and prove we can be stoners and also lead healthy active lives! 💚

- Nicole Ganzales AKA @Cannabisweetie and co-founder of @stigma.fit


Get More Soil Between Your Toes

My intentions for 2018 are:
More soil through my hands, under my feet and between my toes.
Sharing knowledge especially about the benefits of good and regenerative farming
Eating and sharing food that I have grown myself again..
There are some big changes coming this year for all of us and I hope whatever you are doing gives you joy!

P.S. I’m turning the music up even louder. ;)

- Kelly Coulter, writer and former organic farmer and vermiculturalist before she got involved in cannabis law reform. 


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Shop Locally

I am a firm believer that we should be pursuing personal growth on the daily, not just with the New Year. However, a main goal of mine that I’ve been striving to accomplish for a while, but really want to take to the next level this year, is becoming more self sustainable. Besides working toward closing the loop with my farming practices, I also want to make more of my own personal health care products(lotion, shampoo, face wash, deodorant, etc.) If I cannot source it from my garden, I will be mindful of where it is coming from- stressing the importance of purchasing items from local and ethical businesses instead of fueling corporate greed.

@blazetheday, small batch craft cannabis permaculture gardener