Spotlight Series: PussyWeed

A couple of weeks back we published a review of our new 4 chamber aluminum grinder from This week we are happy to be chatting with the three co-founders behind the label: Hannah Campbell (pictured above), Ava Kingsley, and Natasha Przedborski.


pussyweed logo.png

What is PussyWeed™?

We are at the start an apparel and accessories company. More than that, PussyWeed™ aims to de-stigmatize the use of gendered words such as “pussy,” as well as bring an educated female voice into the marijuana industry.

How did you get started and when did you know you had a business on your hands?

Well, our co-founder Ava says Natasha isn’t allowed to tell the official story of how we got started. Bottom line, we began as a canna-friendly group of women going into our last year of college in New York. Prohibition in New York City meant it’s a lot less safe to buy weed. We were noticing a trend of women afraid of their dealers or worse, afraid of what was in the weed they were buying. This meant that smoking a spliff or rolling it became a man’s game. Women in our circles started connecting over these issues, we connected, and PussyWeed™ was born. At first, we just made a few shirts for ourselves and our friends. People quickly caught onto our message and a year later we’re still going!

This meant that smoking a spliff or rolling it became a man’s game.

Tell us about the logo; How did you arrive at the design and has it been well received?


Our very own Hannah Campbell sent a text on a summer day of August 2016. She texted saying: “Girls, I gave some thought to what we talked about in the park and I think this is it.” We lost it. The logo was perfect. She nailed it. It was the literal interpretation of our values. The words “pussy” and “weed” pack a punch so the logo needed to reflect that same energy.

Reception wise, people love it - how could you not?

There are three co-founders, were you looking for a project to do together?

Ava, Co-Founder PusyyWeed™

Ava, Co-Founder PusyyWeed™

PussyWeed™ honestly found us. The three of us began as friends of friends of friends and we solidified our PussyWeed™ idea during an epic picnic in Prospect Park involving Heelys. We’re all just women who are tired of having to justify our presence in the world of marijuana. We could not be more different from one another, which is part of our eclectic charm. None of us expected PussyWeed™ to become what is it today but we’ve each brought different skill sets to the table to create our amazing products.

What is your vision for PussyWeed™ going forward?

We have big dreams for PussyWeed™! Our vision is for PussyWeed™ to become a source of information and an open platform for discussion. We really want to expand and deepen our engagement within the marijuana industry and within the communities our company advocates for and represents.

Are you planning to expand the line?

Yes! We have some great products in the works. We have several collaborations happening in the next few months but you’re going to have to wait and see!

Our new fave grinder from PussyWeed™

Our new fave grinder from PussyWeed™

The PussyWeed™ glass ashtray is a classic

The PussyWeed™ glass ashtray is a classic

The stash jar from PussyWeed™

The stash jar from PussyWeed™

You don’t actually sell cannabis, is this something you’ve considered getting into?

Well, that’s the part of our origin story that Natasha should stop telling people, as we’re currently based on the East Coast where legality is an issue. We do believe that more women should sell cannabis while staying on the right side of the law. Even more so we would all love to learn more, technically speaking, and hope that one day the cannabis industry is more legally accessible. You can expect a PussyWeed™ strain the day recreational use is legalized in New York City.

What advice would you offer a woman who is interested in getting into the cannabis industry?

What we can say is, it’s not easy but it’s so worth it. Our advice would be to do your research. The cannabis industry is just like any industry and women are not at the forefront of it. You have the duty and responsibility as a woman in the cannabis industry to be the most educated person in the room. There is so much more to explore and cultivate as we venture into legalization and we encourage women to get involved in ways that represent them and promote freedom in this aspect for all women.

Why is it so important to promote women in the cannabis industry?

We promote women in the cannabis industry because it’s important to promote women in every industry. It enables a plurality of voices and drives progress. Women who smoke are not generally those who smoke blunts in bikinis or rip a bong between their thighs in their underwear. Although we love and applaud the women who do that, we also want to show that there is a multitude of identities within the industry.

We promote women in the cannabis industry because it’s important to promote women in every industry. It enables a plurality of voices and drives progress.
Natasha, co-founder PussyWeed™

Natasha, co-founder PussyWeed™

How do men react to your line and messages?

Men for the most part love it, totally understand what we’re going for and buy some of our products. Shouts out!! They remain shy when saying “pussy” or wary about wearing the design to not appropriate the message. But this is exactly the point of our name -- you have to say it. It sparks a lot of meaningful dialogue around gender and marijuana culture, and we love that!

We also get tagged in photos all the time on Instagram by these kids smoking weed for the first time and who think saying “pussyweed” is so illicit. We once had someone ask why our company wasn’t called “clit cocaine” or “dick weed” to give you an idea of what sort of men’s responses we deal with sometimes.

 Where can readers learn more about PussyWeed™?

You can check us out on our website for our story, a few press pieces and of course our online store!

We’re also on Facebook and Instagram