Spotlight Series: Elle at Lifted Karma

We got a chance to talk with Elle the founder of Lifted Karma, a babe from Ohio who transplanted to Seattle. She has found her spot in the cannabis industry and now designs and sells an incredibly beautiful line of cannabis inspired jewellery as well as other amazing accessories like ash/catch all trays and the new flipstick that looks like a key fob! We wanted to get to know Elle a little more and see what her business is all about. Check out the interview below.

The Flipstick

The Flipstick

Key Fob 2.jpg

What brought you to cannabis?

After a diagnosis with Fibromyalgia when I was 25, I began using cannabis medicinally. An occasional recreational user in college, I quit for several years after I graduated. I started enjoying the recreational toke when I was on a slew of big Pharma treatments that weren't working for me. After some consideration, I decided to move across the country to a state and city I never been to before where cannabis was legal. Yolo right? A year after moving to Seattle, I started working in the cannabis industry full time. It was this experience that made me fall in love with cannabis and the community more than I would've known is possible.

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What is the most enjoyable aspect of cannabis for you?

The ability to get out of my own head and into a space that's more constructive. I have been weaning off of big pharma medication after being on no less than 6-9 prescriptions a month and cannabis has helped me to keep my sanity and pushes me to keep a holistic and healthy lifestyle. It also provides me with a much better quality of life that I'm so grateful to enjoy legally. I love the gratitude I have for the plant, basically, I love how much I love cannabis.

How did you come to create Lifted Karma and what was your inspiration for starting this project?

I began to fall in love with cannabis through the benefits I received medicinally and being involved full time in the Washington cannabis community. I began to understand the personal relationship that exists with ganja that's unlike any other medication or recreational "vice" and knew I couldn't be the only one going on this journey. I was searching for jewelry to wear displaying my cannabis pride and noticed that the only options available were either very stereotypical (Rasta colors, poorly made and extremely generic) or not friendly to wear if you're looking for a discreet option. So, I decided to create a few pieces myself aimed at those who wanted a "cannachic" simply stated aesthetic. From there it has morphed to home decor, accessories and of course, more jewelry.



What impression do you hope to leave on this industry?

My mission is to be there for those that are on similar journey as I was who are seeking to add these pieces into their lives without blasting "I SMOKE LOTS OF WEED". I'm creating pieces that are beautiful and chic that just happen to have a hint of cannabis inspiration. It's a love affair of sorts with cannabis and people want to wear that proudly. I meet so many people who either just started smoking or getting reintroduced to smoking herb and are searching for these items but toned down a level from what's already out there. I want to be the go to source for Lifted decor and jewelry that's elevated, affordable and not generically mass produced. All of my "Lifted" jewelry or decor is one of a kind or limited edition which allows me to create custom, unique pieces for all types of cannabis users.

You have a very modern style and an aesthetic that we love! What inspires your designs/keeps you motivated to keep creating and evolving?

First of all, thank you! I'm inspired by the people and social media I see in the community. I see women who are heading up topics such as pregnancy and cannabis, parents who use medically while raising children, people using cannabis for life threatening conditions- it's beyond inspiring and I use all those happy feels to create what inspiration I get from these encounters.

 Rose Gold Dual Cannabis Leaf Ring, available here. 


Rose Gold Dual Cannabis Leaf Ring, available here. 

Are there any designs in particular you would like to point out or talk about?

I will be releasing in the future a medical awareness line which uses the colors of disease, cancer, cause, etc. and cannachic fusion. These pieces will be designed for those that use cannabis medicinally and want to wear something that starts a conversation or is with them in the moments that are the toughest.

We also want to shout out one of our favorite vape products that they carry!!

Switch Blaze Vape Battery

Where can readers find your products?

Where can readers find you?








Leighana Martindale