Interview with A Medical Cannabis Delivery Woman

Today on the Spotlight Series we talk to Sam, a woman who makes her living working as a medical cannabis delivery person for Confidential Biotherapy Delivery in California. 

We wanted to know what her job typically entails, if it's something she can do full time and what she loves best about it. Check out the Q & A below....

HL: Is this a job that provides for you and your family? Do you survive off of the profits?

S: Yes this is my job for survival. I have been working for the company for almost 5 months. It's hard to survive off of my payouts I've had as little as 30 a night to 370 at the end of my night. 

HL: If not, tell us why you do what you do.

S: I love my job I've met some amazing patients with amazing stories, especially our vets. I had one patient text me after I left to say "Thank you for being amazing!"

HL: How long have you been doing what you do?

S: Almost 5 months.

HL: What is the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning?

S: My two kids.

HL: What is the thing that keeps you up at night?

S: Making ends meet.  I will work or be on call for 12 hours to make that money honey!

HL: How has your job affected your personal relationships?

S: Wow. It's been tough. I'm married with two kids. Sometimes it's tough and sometimes it isn't. I don't let both things cross. It's hard to keep it separated. But it's possible. Kind of feels like it can be you against the world at times.

HL: What time does your day typically start and what does a normal day look like to you?

S: My day starts at 5:30 am. My work schedule depends on the day. I can start at 10 am and go to 11 pm or 3 to midnight. A normal day is sending my husband off to another city for his job getting my two girls ready and taking one to grandmas house and the other one to school.

HL: In what way(s) is your job most rewarding?

S: Honestly providing a service for people who need it. When they're thankful I came.

HL: If you could go back in time to when you were first starting out, what advice would you give yourself?

Smoke more bitch less! Lol just kidding. I have no advice I love my job, I just wish it was a little more stable.

You can follow and support Sam on Instagram here.

You can participate in the Spotlight Series here

Update: Sam has since reduced her working ours to only once per week.