WTFake Clinics? The Proliferation of Fake Abortion Clinics in The United States

Those of us living in America know we face some issues when it comes to women’s reproductive rights as well as reproductive justice. However, something I recently became aware of after listening to That’s So Retrograde’s podcast with Lizz Winstead from ABORTION AF, is that here in America there is such a thing as a fake abortion clinic. And they exist everywhere! There are actually more fake abortion clinics than there are real ones.

So after taking an in-depth look at the ABORTION Access Front website, we decided this information must be shared. Below we’ve summarized all the materials ABORTION AF has put forward for you. To learn even more and take an in-depth look at their website for yourself, please visit them.

WTF are they?

These clinics are known as women’s health centers or pregnancy resource centers, and while some can provide legitimate services for women who are looking to become mothers and are CHOOSING that, others are more malicious and don’t actually have medical licenses.

WTF do they do?

These centers are anti-abortion counseling centers with an agenda to deceive, guilt and pressure women to carrying a full-term pregnancy. Some have even been reported to lie about where you are in your term, saying that you are farther along and cannot get an abortion. Because most of these clinics are unlicensed they don’t fall under the medical board requirements.

Who the fuck is funding this?

We do, in 34 states our tax dollars are being diverted every year to help clinics like this stay open. As well as the millions that are also funneled through anti-choice foundations, church communities, and even fracking billionaire Farris Wilks.

How the fuck is this legal?

These fake clinics are considered “religious outreach” are protected by the First Amendment. California has passed a progressive law that protects their communities by enforcing regulations that require truth in advertising. New York City and San Francisco have also enacted similar ordinances, but as for the rest of the US...

WTF can I do?

• Volunteer with ABORTION Action Force
• Write reviews - Writing reviews about fake clinics that state something along the lines of “This is not an abortion clinic. For those looking to access safe and supportive abortions, this clinic does not provide nor support abortions.” Find clinics near you, or write reviews for ones across the nation using this link. Keep the reviews clean and anti-hate so they do not get removed.

  • Click and like honest reviews to help keep them up and put them at the top of the reviews.

  • Take action by seeing what campaigns, if any, are going on in your community to hold these clinics accountable.

  • Take action by writing to your Senators and Representatives. Follow the money and see where the funds in your state are coming from. It is important to be active in your community.

  • Speak out on social media. Hold your Senators and Representative accountable, hold these clinics accountable. Let them know we see them and we do not approve.

If you are looking for real abortion resources, we have listed some options below for both American and Canadian persons looking for reproductive care.



NAF Canada
Abortion Access

• Morgentaler