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New Year Book Club; 20 books to Inspire

By Leighana Martindale

I have had quite the book obsession lately, as my Grandma would joke, “Do you know what they call me? — a bibliophile”, which means lover of books. But seriously, I have been spending way too many books lately, I justify it in my mind because reading is great for your mind, I love learning and many of the books I read have helped me grow. That and Powell’s Books is fucking amazing, right by my house, and honestly has the best pricing I’ve ever seen! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Powell’s, it is the worlds largest independent bookstore and literally takes up an entire city block. If you’re ever in Portland, it’s my number one recommendation.

As a bibliophile, I have a long list of books I would recommend and an even larger list of ones I want to read. So here is a list of books that inspired me to write the 2020 Health Series as well as books I am interested in reading this year to continue the healing!

Imperfect Spirituality

Polly Campbell

This book is beyond eye-opening and heart-changing in a number of ways. Hitting hard on how the ego is afraid of imperfection, making us fearful of it. But when we act from fear, we can make disastrous and harmful decisions, even if we don’t mean for them to be. Perfection is unattainable, and in the words of Polly Campbell herself:

When we stick to a narrow path and the perspective that there is only one right way of doing things, we miss out on the wisdom and opportunities we need and crave to grow and live a purposeful life.”

Where to Begin

Cleo Wade

This book of poetry is an inspiring one you’ll want to reread over and over. Cleo Wade has a way with words and her many poems, notes, and stories throughout this book make you feel warm inside, especially with this cold and gloomy winter.

“Baby you are the strongest flower that ever grew. Remember that when the weather changes.” Cleo Wade

Women Who Run with Wolves

Clarissa Pikola Estés

Honestly, this is my bible. I have read and reread this book front to back and back to front. The tales that Dr. Estées vividly shares in this book carry a weight of importance and guidance for the reader. Often diving into the depths of the psyche and archetypes. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has never read.

Witches Sluts Feminists

Kristen J. Sollee

Get ready to get pissed off. But in the most informing and liberating way. This book should also come with a TRIGGER WARNING. I generally do not get triggered when reading, but this got me. I recommend taking it slow, chapter by chapter. And if you need to stop and digest, stop! I know I had to put down the book a lot because I would be like WTF?, but again, SO INFORMATIVE and really reshaped the way I think about certain things.

The Desire Map

Danielle LaPorte

This book is one I have read through, just picked up in a random spot and restarted over and over. The Desire Map helps you define your core desires, core beliefs, and core desires. This book is a true guide to creating goals with soul’. If you do purchase this book, I would recommend not writing in the workbook section and instead of using a journal. I bought this book for myself about 5 years ago and still redo the workshops to this day. It’s nice to leave blank for a restart.

Emergent Strategy

Adrienne Maree Brown

Change is constant and when you resist change, you create your own suffering. While accepting certain things and trying to move through them is easier said than done, Emergent Strategy is a ‘radical self-help, society-help, and planet-help’ book that helps us adapt and shape change.

A Girl’s Guide to Joining the Resistance

Emma Gray

Published two years post-Trump [p.s.: when I type ‘fuck’ into my phone, my autocorrect changes is to ‘fucktrump’ because I’ve said that so many times. Just a happy quirk to brighten your day] this book starts with the horrors of what that fucker was able to accomplish in his first few months. But more importantly! This book goes into details of what YOU can do, how we can resist and continue to fight for what is right, what is moral, and for the change we demand to see.

Small Doses

Amanda Seales

Comedian, writer, actress, and quite frankly political activist, Amanda lays it the fuck out in this book and it is a must read. This book is full of essays, illustrations, authenticity, and inherent truths empowering readers to find their own truth and grow!

Profit over People

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is known as “the father of modern linguistics” and a major philosopher. He was an outspoken opponent to the U.S. and Vietnam War, and known for his overall antiwar stance and activism.

This book, People Over Profit, discusses neoliberalism and global order, discussing the root of the crisis and tracing the history of neoliberalism. Chomsky exposes the increasing interference by the private sector in global affairs and highlights movements of resistance.

Terrorizing the Neighborhood

Noam Chomsky

Another Chomsky book, Terrorizing the Neighborhood dives into American Foreign Policy in the post cold war era. Tracing the origins, goals, and implications of the US foreign policy in the years following World War II.

Wild Creative

Tami Lynn Kent

This book is all about tapping into and igniting that passion and potential with all your relationship, whether it be work, home, or life. We all hold the creative power and have the opportunity to truly flow with it. Tami truly helps you tap into this and tap into your power.

Awakening to the Spirit World

Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wessleman

Ever been curious about Shamans and their spiritual practices, traditions, and journeys? This book is for you then! Exactly as the title says this book dives into the Spirit World and the techniques you can use to tap into that part of your being.

Evolution of Goddess

Emma Mildon

This book is a mixture of spirituality and activism, calling it spiritual activism. I have only scratched the surface of this book and can already tell it is going to be perspective-altering. I would highly recommend this one if you are into both spirituality and activism.

How to Start a Revolution

Lauren Duca

This is one on my list, Lauren Duca writes a funny yet important guide on challenging the status quo. She also sends a reminder that we (looking at you too generation Z) are the people who WILL change the world.

Well, That Escalated Quickly

Franchesca Ramsey

This book is full of essays, memoirs, and mistakes of an accidental activist and comedian - exploring “race, identity, online activism, and the downfall of real communication in the age of social media rants, trolls, and call-out wars”

Burn it Down; Women Writing About Anger

Lilly Dancyger

One that I really want to get this year, Burn It Down is a collection of essays from 22 ferocious women and how anger has shaped their lives. In world where women are expected to be compliant these 22 women are taking authority, demanding a seat at the table, and are willing to share their stories with us to inspire.

I Am Malala

Christina Lamb & Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is probably one of the biggest badasses on this entire planet and yet she is so damn humble! If you do not know the story or even if you do, get this book, support this woman! Malala was 10 when the Taliban took over her home, Swat Valley in Pakistan. When they said girls couldn’t go to school, Malala spoke out and the Taliban found her and gunned her down. After a bullet in the head, she didn’t stop, she didn’t back down, and she doesn’t even hate them!! No wonder she was the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Heart Talk

Cleo Wade

A book of poetry, illustrations and beautiful stories. Cleo has been called “the Millennial Oprah” by New York Magazine and I couldn’t agree more! Her words are so beautiful, empowering and inspiring. This book focuses on poetic wisdom for a better life.


Erin Gibson

Witty, highly educational, and absolutely no fucks given in regards to Mike Pence, this book is a must fucking read! If you are pissed off about ‘the man’ or the system, but you’re looking to educate yourself and know your shit about issues, this is it. While it may not look like the most factual book, Erin Gibson really did her research and lays it out in easy to read laughable segments.


Michelle Obama

A must-read for all the obvious reasons like how fucking much of a boss babe Michelle Obama is! Please run for President!! ...but seriously.