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A Primer for Those of You Wondering About Samhain

By Leighana Martindale

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When: October 31 - November 1

Pronounced: Sah-win

Origin: Gaelic

Samhain is the Pagan holiday and tradition of celebrating the harvest and welcoming the dark half of the year. This is the time of year when the “Veil Between the Worlds” is thinning and it is easier to communicate with the Other Side.

What many celebrate as Halloween started as a Pagan Holiday, not surprising considering quite a few major holidays are based on Pagan Holidays. But as the Season of the Witch becomes increasingly popular, there is a rise in curiosity about Samhain and its traditions.

It’s not too late to learn and do something simple this Samhain. Below we’ve listed traditions that you can practice.

Samhain Altar

An alter can be an itty-bitty travel size set up or an extravagant affair with many different items. There is no rule to follow here. Alters are set up to honour the dead and our ancestors, to communicate while the veil is down and they can act as a focus of reflectiona nd meditation.

What you may want to have on hand:

Candles in different colours

  • Orange: Represents the magic of fire and the autumn leaves

  • Black: Collects and absorbs light to keep you warm

  • White: Sends out energy

  • Silver: Represents the moon

  • Gold: Represents the sun

Anything else that you feel connected to and want at your altar you should put there. Think objects found in nature, treasured photos, keepsakes or letters, Crystals and wooden carvings for example.

For more information on how to incorporate loved ones who have passed on check out this article by Tess Whitehurst.

Samhain Recipes

Mulled Wine

- Red or white wine
- Oranges
- Blackberries
- Cinnamon sticks & cinnamon

- Star anise

- Nutmeg

Combine all these ingredients in a pot and heat on low.

This Rosemary Garlic Challah Bread recipe created by

Extras to have on hand

Cheese and fruit board with a Pomegranate Chocolate Sauce

Sacred Space Clearing + Tarot Pull

The next two rituals are simple but powerful.

Grab your Sage and in a clockwise direction, smudge your house. When you are smudging your space, envision with the intention that your space is clearing and being protected by a strong white light. When you are finished, smudge yourself from head to toe to cleanse your energy as well.

Grab your tarot deck, place your energy into and do a three-card pull for the Past, Present, and Future. If you don’t have a tarot deck ask a friend to buy you one, because it is best that you don’t buy your first tarot deck. You can return the favour to the next friend you find in need of a deck.

Two of my favorite decks are the Wild Unknown and the Mystic Mondays.