A Cannabis Guide to Skincare in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s cannabis

Ok, real talk. It’s time to stop scrolling through your Insta feed and thinking that your skincare routine will start tomorrow. Spoiler Alert - tomorrow never comes. Our skin is a living, breathing organ and happens to be the largest organ in the human body. Yet, skincare is often at the bottom of the list, with life’s (many) other demands talking priority. Good news, you can have great skin in every decade by customizing your routine to your age. Even better news? You can use sweet lady jane to elevate your regime even further. 

The beauty industry has become saturated with dozens of cannabis-based skin care products claiming to do everything from hydrate to reverse the aging process. Serums, moisturizers, mascaras, even lubes, are incorporating hemp seed oil or cannabis oil into their formulas to capitalize on the emerging benefits from CBD. 

With the second round of legalization happening in Canada this fall, the doors will open for applicants to submit their cannabis-infused products for approval by Health Canada. Come late December, in addition to hemp oil products, the skincare industry will also have access to more types of infused options - some experts theorizing that cannabis topicals could be the key to aging gracefully. 

Cannabis and Skincare

Skincare products combined with cannabis are a match made in heaven. The phytocannabinoid system of the plant works with our endocannabinoid system, so cannabis-infused products go beyond skin deep, potentially addressing issues like inflammation, acne, eczema and psoriasis. 

There is a long way to go in the research pertaining to cannabis and its effects on skin, but there is serious potential for cannabinoids in weed that could lead to healthy, younger looking skin. There is preliminary research showing that cannabis might be a suitable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant on the skin, reducing puffiness, redness, acne, and dehydration.

Dependent on your local laws, cannabis skincare products are made with either cannabis, which contains hundreds of cannabinoids like CBD and THC, or hemp seed oil, which lacks the therapeutic properties of cannabis but is rich in fatty acids and hydrating lipids. The deep hydration and regenerative properties of infused products are the future of skincare, elevating your skincare routine in any decade. 

In your 20’s

How things change: People often envy ‘young’ skin, causing individuals to think they don’t really need to pay attention to their skincare in their 20’s. In fact, starting young is the best way to set the foundation of good skin for the rest of your life. The most effective anti-aging remedy is preventative, meaning you have to take care of your face from the get-go.

What you need: Girl, it’s time to add an eye cream. Finally free of oily skin and breakouts, many 20-somethings are shook when the dryness and small lines start to creep in, they just don’t know what to do.The absolute best approach to reducing fine lines and wrinkles is using preventative measures. This means that in your 20’s, in addition to washing your face [with cleanser, not water!] and moisturizing daily, it’s time to add an eye cream.

MGC Derma

MGC Derma

Try - CBD Stem Cells & Peptides Eye Cream from MGC Derma

In your 30’s

How things change: When you reach your 30’s your body’s metabolism starts to slow down and your cells don’t regenerate as quickly as they used to. This can cause skin to look dull and make superficial lines seem deeper. Collagen and elastin also start to breakdown causing the skins to be less plump and taught. If you were a sun worshiper in your teens or 20s, the pigmentation of sun damage will start to show.

What you need: In your 30’s you really should be focusing on exfoliation and hydration. When dead skin cells settle in fine lines it makes them look more pronounced, regular exfoliation will help restore that youthful glow. In addition to a daily moisturizer, you should also be adding a night treatment in your dirty thirties. The skin goes through a regenerative cycle when you sleep, making a night treatment not only great for hydration but also to address issues like redness, lines, and unwanted dark spots. 

Try - Emerald CBD + Adaptogens Moisture Glow Oil from Herbivore

In your 40’s

How things change: Let’s put it gently, things aren’t ‘bouncing back’ like they once did. Many women in their 40’s are noticing that those subtle lines and wrinkles are now more defined and visible. As collagen and elastin production continue to slow down, tone becomes anissue, with many women turning to fillers and other injectables. 

What you need: It’s all about elasticity in your 40’s, puffiness and loose skin take their toll on our faces, making us appear tired and dull. Whether or not you go the medical filler route, it’s time to make sure that your routine includes power ingredients like retinol, glycolic acid, and peptides. These super ingredients help give your skin cells the energy boost that they have been lacking.

Try - Rejuvafirm CBD Facial Oil from Apothecary London

In your 50’s

How things change: Hormonal changes around menopause cause havoc on the skin, making you feel 15 again only without the taut skin. During your 50's skin goes through multiple shifts, some experience the reappearance of acne, others deal with excessive dryness. The truly fortunate deal with the multiple skin changes at once! It is an important time to double down on skincare, focusing on your skins specific needs. 

What you need: What you need can be variable in your 50’s, though it is a safe bet that hydration and firming are a priority. It’s also a great time to be concentrating on the ‘extras’ of skincare products like face masks and acid-based exfoliants, which help regenerate the skin and allow better penetration of anti-aging oils and creams. 

Try - CBD Active Firming Mask from MGC Derma 

CBD Active Firming Mask from MGC Derma