WITNESSED: Improved Quality of Life with Cannabis

A little while back we put out a request via Twitter and Instagram asking our cannabis family to share stories about how cannabis has improved their lives or the lives of their loved ones. 

We wanted to publish these stories to help show that cannabis can be beneficial to people from all walks of life, that people who use cannabis aren't "lazy stoners" or "stupid pot heads". In fact, we have seen a  71% increase in marijuana use among adults aged 50 and older between 2006 and 2013. While plenty of people use cannabis for recreational purposes, there are just as many folks who use it therapeutically. As you'll see in the following testimonies cannabis users aren't sitting around eating Cheetos and White Castle, they're finishing degrees, helping others in need, and reclaiming their lives after serious medical illnesses.  


quality of life 1.jpg
cannabis and anxiety
cannabis and mental illness
cannabis gave me quality of life
cannabis and chronic pain
terminal brain cancer and cannabis

If you'd like to share a story about how cannabis has helped you or someone you love, we'd love to hear from you, please use the form below to share your thoughts.