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Cannabis headlines Nov. 15-22

Impress your friends and colleagues by knowing whats up in the world of weed.

Pot And The NFL: Jake Plummer

This week, Plummer joined seven other former NFL players in signing an open letter from Doctors for Cannabis Regulation that calls on the league to change its policy on marijuana. The letter asks the NFL to consider embracing cannabis as a safe and effective alternative to painkillers and points out promising research showing pot’s potential to protect against the long term effects of traumatic brain injury. The NFL currently bans cannabis in all forms.

Patient organization calls on medical cannabis industry to cease unethical pricing practices

Canadians for Fair Access to Medical Marijuana (CFAMM) is deeply concerned about the impact of differential pricing for veterans and believes these practices hurts all medical cannabis patients, many of whom continue to struggle with affordability with few cost-coverage options available.

Premier Clark's claim pot laced with fentanyl not true, say police

It's a claim that's been repeated so often — and now  all the way up to the office of B.C.'s premier — it's often assumed to be true. But police and health officials in B.C. say there is no evidence to back up Premier Christy Clark's comments yesterday in Ottawa that marijuana laced with fentanyl has been found in B.C.

Spot Light Series: Dispensary Industry Expert Jamie Shaw

Our first write up in the new Spotlight Series is all about advocacy and the Canadian woman who is lobbying for dispensary regulations. Her name is Jamie Shaw and she has the kind of resume that denotes a long time advocate and real voice within the Canadian Cannabis Industry. Her(B)Life

Marijuana Industry About to Go Global

Although the United Nations international drug treaties have upheld an official prohibition against marijuana, the marijuana industry has spread across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

 Trump's Choice For Top Law Enforcer Has Cannabis Proponents Fearing Future

When Donald Trump offered Sen. Jeff Sessions the position of attorney general, the pick drew criticism from civil rights groups and immigrant advocates. In the fast-growing, multibillion-dollar marijuana industry, it is also raising fears.